Top Four Ways Technology Has Changed Healthcare

Technology has changed healthcare and wellness remarkably in the last few decades. While the rise of artificial intelligence, robotics, and other modern advancements scare some people, there’s no questioning the amazing advancements that medical technology is responsible for. Technological advancements have saved millions of lives— and quality of life will continue to improve because of these changes.

Treatment is more efficient

Care is safer in a lot of ways thanks to technology advancements. Instead of relying on old methods of the past, certain medical equipment makes it easier to keep track of things. One example is handheld devices that use real time data, which healthcare professionals can use to communicate quickly. Additionally, doctors can use biomarkers, or biological molecules, to understand where a disease is coming from in the patient’s genes. Those are just a few of the many ways medical treatment has become more effective thanks to technology.

Better medical equipment

Technology like autoclaves sterilize equipment, which greatly reduces the chances of spreading disease. Other machines such as defibrillators, which reestablish normal heartbeats, save millions of lives each year. More advanced machines can help surgeons perform surgeries faster and more accurately. These machines didn’t exist even before the last 100 years, so it’s hard to grasp how much of an impact they’ve had and what life would be like without them.

Software and data

It’s hard to describe how much software has done for healthcare. The way it affects data in healthcare is far-reaching. Doctors can use computers that have way more data than ever before, resulting in more accurate diagnoses and more fitting treatments. They can use certain programs to create three-dimensional models to find irregularities. Also, doctors can use artificial intelligence to more accurately identify breast cancer and other conditions. In essence, better information leads to better and more informed decisions.

Apps and social networking

You may not realize that social networks and apps are examples of technology that has changed healthcare in big ways. For example, there are social network sites that doctors can use to interact with patients. For patients with chronic illness, disability, or some other obstacle that prevents them from leaving the house, this is a great option and method for them to communicate with their healthcare providers. It’s also a good use of time with doctors’ increasingly busy schedules and shortage of time. Additionally, many apps are available to help patients and doctors keep track of valuable information such as sleep patterns, monitoring heart health, and keeping track of calorie intake.