TVet 10M Tuttnauer Veterinary Autoclave - Factory Refurbished


Availability: Brand: Tuttnauer
Condition: Almost New
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Regular price $3,450.00

TVET 10M Tuttnauer Manual Veterinary Autoclave Sterilizer

Factory Refurbished Year of Manufacture - 2018


Buy a New or Refurbished Autoclave from Us and Enjoy 1 Hour FREE Phone Tech Support. Exclusively Available for Tuttnauer, Midmark, and Market Forge Sterilizers; Call us for more information!

Finally, a veterinary autoclave that is specifically designed to meet the specific needs of veterinarians is available! In this case, the tvet autoclave is the perfect solution. Tvet sterilizers are designed to fulfill the needs of every type of sterilization requirement, regardless of how big or small it might be. As well as being able to accommodate double-wrapped pouches, the cycle parameters have been set up to allow for extended drying times. By using this type of packaging, veterinarians can be assured of sterility and drying efficiency in a more reliable and efficient manner, allowing them to meet the many challenges of today's workload. The bright, new easy to use panel was designed with the operator in mind. Time-tested reliability and durability are built into every Tuttnauer product.


  • At the end of both the sterilization and drying cycles, there is an automatic switch off.
  • Control panel that is easy to use
  • It is a ruggedly built, long-life electro-polished stainless steel chamber built from 316L stainless steel, copper, brass, and aluminum. To prevent rust from occurring, no iron components are used in the construction of the system.
  • tvet manual autoclaves are equipped with a 45-minute drying system for items that are double wrapped.
  • The double safety locking device includes a double-locking door mechanism (bolt for tightening the door and bellows for locking) that prevents the door from opening when the chamber is under pressure.
  • Located on the front of the machine is a drain valve, allowing you to drain the water reservoir quickly and easily.
  • There is a dual safety thermostat to protect against overheating.
  • There is a one-year part and labor warranty as well as a ten-year chamber warranty.

Tuttnauer tvet 10m Autoclave Specifications:

  • 6 Gallon Capacity
  • Holds 3 Full and 3 Half Standard Cassettes
  • Standard Unwrapped Cycle Time (Hot Start) - Sterilization: 4 min, Drying: 1 min, Total: 20 min
  • Standard Wrapped Cycle Time (Hot Start) - Sterilization: 7 min, Drying 45 min, Total: 72 min
  • Temperature Adjustable to 273°F (134°C) and 30 PSI
  • Overall Size: 21.5" x 20" x 14.4"
  • Chamber Size: 10" x 19"
  • Tray Size: 6.7" x 16.3" x 0.8"
  • Holds 4 Trays
  • Voltage: 110V, 50/60 Hz

Warranty: 1 Year Parts and Labor and 10 years on the chamber

What's In The Box?

  • Factory Refurbished Tuttnauer tvet 10m Autoclave
  • 4 Trays and one holder
  • ChamberBrite Autoclave Cleaner
  • Tray Holder
  • Drain Tube
  • Operators Manual

No manuals or brochures available.

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