Welch Allyn Vision Express Holter System with H3+ Digital Recorder


Availability: Brand: Welch Allyn / Hillrom
Condition: New
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Regular price $7,850.00
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Welch Allyn Vision Express Holter Analysis System

The Welch Allyn Vision Express Holter Analysis System is an affordable and powerful diagnostic tool that can be used by practices that perform routine Holter monitoring, to clinics that require advanced solutions. Vision Express was designed to meet the needs of physicians and cardiologists in today's tightly managed healthcare environment. Physicians and cardiologists are now able to utilize this software in order to evaluate and treat adult and pediatric patients.

A LONG-STANDING RECORD OF ACCURACY, EFFICIENCY, AND FULFILLMENT Welch Allyn products have a long-standing reputation for reliability, efficiency, and accuracy. VERITAS provides superior accuracy in beat detection and labeling, as well as noise rejection that improves the ability to identify events and scan recordings faster through the use of our VERITAS signal processing algorithms. According to testing against AHA and MIT-BIH standardized databases, the Vision 5 Holter algorithm has a 99.9% accuracy rate for QRS detection.

INTUITIVE WORKFLOW In about a minute, data will be transferred and automatically analyzed. With its intuitive menus and color-coded beat labels, this system helps clinicians quickly spot the most serious arrhythmia events for further evaluation. In a nutshell, automatic strips enable rapid reporting of results in a way that optimizes the time of clinicians. As a result, final results can be sent electronically, saving clinicians time and reducing costs. The final results are available in PDF and XML formats.

Innovative design The H3+TM digital recorder brings a new meaning to the word compact, enabling the use of Vision Express software as well as a complete Holter solution. Flexible scanning and report formatting facilitate clinical workflows, meets individual user preferences, and streamlines clinical workflows. There are several automatic and standard components in Holter analysis that include atrial fibrillation detection, heart rate variability (HRV) calculations, pacemaker detection, ST segment and QT/QTC measurements.

Heart rate variability is analyzed by HRV software. This software is used to elucidate the natural pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial node. It measures the balance between sympathetic and vagus nerve activity, providing an indirect measure of how healthy a heart is. In addition to time domain calculations and standard deviation trending, Vision 5 provides the flexibility to care for a variety of patients with one system.

PACEMAKER ANALYSIS The software detects the spikes that are generated by a cardiac pacemaker for atrial and ventricular beats, tracking the patient's paced activities by sensing, capturing, and capturing the failure events.


  • Automated detection of atrial fibrillation with the possibility to add, edit and delete specific atrial fibrillation regions during the review process
  • There are three types of scanning modes that can be used to enable traditional and advanced scanning procedures, namely retrospective, prospective, and superimposition
  • Detailed information is presented in the form of graphs, tables and histograms to assist in determining the severity and frequency of events
  • This color-coded event review allows for rapid identification of rate-related abnormalities using ST episodes, atrial fibrillation regions, artifact regions, ventricular events, supraventricular events, and any user-defined events easily.
  • The HR/ST trend graphs illustrate areas of concern by highlighting them on the graph for easy identification
  • You can choose between full-sized diagnostic ECG strips with miniature content or 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60-minute page strips
  • You may either export the final reports automatically or manually
  • Holter reports are full disclosure reports that print all or parts of the patient's Holter recording, in a variety of formats such as one, two, or three channels at 60 seconds per line
  • Detailed ST report with each ST episode including deviation, slope, duration, and heart rate at onset and offset of each ST episode
  • In addition to the physician's conclusions before printing
  • H3+ also provides 3-channel recording with automatic pacemaker spike detection
  • Provides a full-screen graphic display of ECG wave forms during the patient hook-up process
  • The recordings are downloaded via USB cable to the Vision Express Holter analysis system
  • The results are quickly imported and analyzed by the Vision Express Holter analysis system
  • Vision 5 provides a comprehensive review along with powerful editing tools to ensure accurate, high quality reporting
  • The H3+ digital recorder weighs just one ounce. (28 g) – so small, patients will hardly notice it’s there!
  • An ultralight, discrete recorder provides the patient with the freedom to perform routine activities that may improve the presentation of symptoms that are reported.
  • A convenient event button is available for patients to mark specific events that occur during the examination
  • Powered by just one AAA battery, the H3+ can record continuously for up to 48 hours
  • Software requires a PC running Windows 7 or newer


Instrument Type Digital Holter recorder
Input Channels Simultaneous acquisition of 3 channels
Standard Leads Acquired Modified I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, and V
Input Impedance Meets or exceeds the requirements of IEC 60601-2-47
Input Dynamic Range Meets or exceeds the requirements of IEC 60601-2-47
Electrode Offset Tolerance Meets or exceeds the requirements of IEC 60601-2-47
Frequency Response Meets or exceeds the requirements of IEC 60601-2-47
Digital Sampling Rate 180 s/sec/channel used for standard recording and storage
Special Functions Pacemaker detection; ECG display during hook-up
A/D Conversion 12 bits
Storage Internal, non-volatile memory
Device Classification Type CF defibrillator-proof applied parts, internally powered
Weight 1 ounce (28 grams) without battery
Dimensions 2.5 x 1.0 x .75" (64 x 25 x 19 mm)
Battery 1 AAA alkaline required for up to 48 hours
  • Welch Allyn H3+ Brochure

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